Monday, January 12, 2015

"Yo!" - Letter, January 12, 2015

What's up? How's life? Anything new? I'll tell you what's not new. Me. I'm a mission oldie. As in, I come home in  week and 2 days!!! What! It's true, it's true. But who's counting? hahahahahaha

I'll be honest. I'm counting. Trying not to, but I'm counting.

This week was really good. I saw a lot of good things come, and there are a lot of good things in store for this coming week.  

And I probably won't email next week, because it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Free at last, free at last. Thank goodness! I am free at last!

And that is about all I have to say. I'm not super focused on this email right now. I love you, but I'm going to send this off, and hope you enjoy my ramblings.  

Love, Sister Worthen

Monday, January 5, 2015

"Happy Happy New Year!" - Letter, January 5, 2015

So, what are your goals for the new year? I have some good ones. I'm really excited actually. 1st off, I am going to train to run a 5k. At one point on my mission, I could run apx. a mile and half. Which for me is EPIC, because before my mission, I was never able to run more than a 1/4 mile, maybe a little more than that. Needless to say, I improved. So, I am going to need some help in the form of a running buddy? Anyone interested in filling that position? Hahahahaha But really. Also, I am going to keep studying my scriptures for at least 20 minutes a day. Now, that may seem like a lot, or maybe not enough. But win, lose, or draw, I am going to spend that much time in the Book of Mormon every day. Gotta keep up those spiritual habits. And I am going to keep learning who I am, and who God wants me to be.

This past week was a long one, and I've said that before. I got sick the day after huh? Anyway, by New Year's Eve, I had a fever and chills and a stomach that was driven with the wind, and tossed (10 pts to anyone who can name that reference). Although, I did not throw up. Good for me. Anyway, we had to come in early that night anyway, so it was ok. But when we came in, we had a packet from our Mission President and his wife, and in it there were a whole bunch of questions of the soul. He wanted us to listen to a talk, and to read some talks, and to review some trainings, all the while asking us these questions that helped us identify what we are, were, and what we want to become. It was really long, especially because I felt about as good as the south end of a north bound cow. But in the end, when I finished it, I learned some really cool things about myself that help me set some goals. Now, some of my goals are not clear things, like the 5k, they are more like a state of being that I want to end up at. One of my mantras recently is Help me stay the person I have become so I can become the person I need to be. Meaning that this past 18 months, I have become someone, and every day, I don't want to go back to who I was before that. Instead, I want to stand my ground, and then push forward a little more.

One of the questions I was asked was what I have come to cherish on my mission. The answer is simple, and yet so far reaching. I have come to cherish repentance. Without it, I'd be up the Colorado River, with no life-jacket, raft, and for sure no paddle. But I have come to love that every day, I get to get up and repent. I get to change. I get to become new and free. Every day. That is why I love the Atonement. I love that even when I mess up, I have the option of turning to my Savior, and begging for forgiveness, and then He can help me be free of that burden.

I looked back on my mission, and there have been bad times, sometimes at my own fault. But I don't feel the pain anymore. And that is because the Savior has helped me forget that. He has healed me, and helped me to learn from it. I have never been so whole, and so free, and honestly, I am sad that I am leaving this pressure cooker called the Ohio Cincinnati Mission. Yes, I want to go home and sleep and watch movies, and blah blah blah. But I will never be able to do this again. I will never have the chance of being who I am right now, Sister Worthen. When I take off my badge, I take off a lot more than that.

"I am called of God. My authority is above that of the kings of the earth. By revelation, I have been selected as the personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my master, and He has chosen me to represent Him. To stand in His place, to say and do what He Himself would say and do if He personally were ministering among the very people to whom He has sent me. My voice is His voice, and my words are His commission is to do what He wants done, to say what he wants said. To be a living, modern witness, in word and deed, of the divinity of His great and marvelous Latter-day Work. And he that receiveth me, receiveth Him. While he that rejecteth me rejecteth Him that sent me. How great is my calling!"

Ok, so that is a quote called, "My Commission" which we were asked to memorize. I have it memorized, just not in typable form. Hahahaha. I messed up a little. But you get the gist. When I take off my tag, I take this all off. I am going to miss it.

Speaking of which, I know I told y'all when I report, but I said wrong. I report on January 25th
and then February the 8th. Originally, I said it was the 25th, and the 1st. Not so. Sorry for my bad dating abilities. Hahahaha

Well, I love you! I know that this year is going to be FANTASTIC, mostly because I am alive, and things can only go up from there. J

I know that the Savior lives, and every day, we can become like Him just a little bit more. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Love, Sister Short-timer Worthen

Monday, December 29, 2014

"Christmas is a Miracle" - Letter, December 29, 2014

I had an excellent Christmas!!!!!  I love Christmas for a lot of reasons.  But mostly because of Christ!  I love the song of the Little Drummer Boy.  He only has a little song on his drum to play, but that is the gift he gives.  He does not walk away, sorrowing because he is lacking, nor does he try to give something he doesn't have.  He just gives what he has.  So, while I have been thinking about Christmas this year, and the coming year, and all of my soon-to-be adventures, I have been thinking about the gifts I will give to my Lord.  I have lots of gifts that I want to give, but mostly, I want to give Him my will.  I want to give him my heart, more fully, broken and contrite.  I want to spend my time helping others know Him.  I want to spend time with my family, and to be an example to them, and to pay attention to the examples they are to me.  I want to be a person who has the light of Christ with them, bright enough for others to see.  And I want to do that in a lots of different ways.  I haven't quite figured that out yet though....hahahahaha

My favorite verse about Christmas comes from the middle of the Book of Mormon.  It's Alma 19:13.  I love it because when King Lamoni wakes from his Spirit Nap, for lack of a better term, he wakes and says nothing more than how he knows he's so blessed because he got to see the birth of his Savior in a dream, and he knows that we are saved through Him.  I LOVE that!!!!  I love how simple it is, and it reminds me of how Christmas is simple.  Christ is the Gift we were given, and when we focus on that Gift, nothing can overcome us.  It's so awesome!!!!

I got to spend Christmas with my bishop, and then another sister in the ward.  I was so blessed Christmas morning, because while we were with Bishop Evans, and his wife, and the elders, we got to be home for a little while.  It meant a lot to me.  It was a tender mercy.  I love having a home and family away from home and family.  That's what this Gospel is all about.  :D  

I love each of you.  May the joy of Christmas keep in your hearts.  And as that joy is in your heart, think on what gift you can give Him this coming year!  

Sister Worthen

Monday, December 8, 2014

"Hi." - Letter, December 8, 2014

Hi. Oh wait, did I say that already...? Just kidding. How has your week been? That's great! (assuming you had a great week...) Can ya tell I'm just stalling? I am. I don't have much to say, again. I'll be honest. These past 6 weeks have been some of the hardest of my mission. I have had to fight to want to stay here. And I know, I have 6 weeks left, and all that jazz. But it's been hard. I have been so emotionally tired in so many ways, that I just have wanted to curl up in a ball, throw a blanket over the top of me, and sleep forever. And I'm not that physically tired, sorta, it's just emotional stress.

But you know, I have had some really good moments this week. I was having a bit of breakdown the other day, and Sis. Origer says to me, "Have you thought about getting a blessing?" And I say, "I've thought about it. I probably should..." And then a few minutes later, I texted some of the elders, and asked if when I saw them the next day at stake conference I could get a blessing. So I didn't get one that next day because timing didn't work out, but I did on Sunday. My companion was in an exiting interview with President, so I grabbed the zone leaders and sister training leaders. We found an empty classroom, and I had one of them give me a blessing. It was kinda funny because he asked who I want to anoint and who I want to seal. We all just kind of looked at each other funny for a moment, and then one of the other elders said that for a blessing of counsel, I don't need to be anointed. And then we laughed, and they said that they are used to Dayton, where giving blessings of healing are common. Probably a lot to do with drugs and such. Anyway, in the blessing, among a lot of other things, I was told to find the joy in building up the Lord's Kingdom again. I feel like I have lost that here recently. I have been so stressed, that it's not even joyful for me anymore, it's a chore. I don't like that feeling, and I plan on changing it.

And so, this morning, during my studies, I was reading my Patriarchal blessing, and I was told that I would have the desire to share the Gospel. And so between those two statements, I have come to the realization that I have lost my fire, and if I am going to endure faithfully to the end, I am going to have to rekindle it. And I have some very good ideas about how. I am excited to feel excited again.

Now, don't take this letter the wrong way. I am not trying to drag anyone down with my problems. What I am trying to say is that even though times are hard for me right now, I am going to make it. I know that God is personally invested in my success, and because of that, I cannot fail. I think, in summarized terms, I have lost my hope, and I am going to spend the next, and last, six weeks of my mission finding it.

I heard a quote from Brigham Young at Stake Conference, from Pres. Porter no less, and it says, "If the Gospel of Jesus Christ doesn't change you, leave." Well, I am not leaving, so I better start changing. Hahahahaha :D

Also, this was Sis. Origer's last transfer, and she is flying home on Tuesday morning, meaning that I am going to have a new companion tomorrow morning. That is super weird to me...

I want you all to know that I know that the Priesthood is real. There is no power on Earth that can compare. Through the Priesthood, we are able to be saved by the ordinances, and our faithful diligence in keeping our covenants. Our covenants are POWERFUL and they keep us safe. Our covenants are God's way of showing his love. If you have not received all the ordinances that you can/should at this point, do so. Don't wait. This world is so insane, and it is only getting worse. The Gospel, the Priesthood, and our Covenants are what the Lord has provided to make His plan work, and if we are to participate, we must have all of these things in our lives.

I love you. I know that God loves you. I know that Jesus Christ is there to share our burdens.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love, Sister Worthen

p.s. Look up and then share the video. It will be such a blessing.

Monday, December 1, 2014

"Weekly Emails" - Letter, December 1, 2014

I don't know what to say in this weekly email. This has been a hard week for me. I am stressed, and tired, and I don't feel all too good. It's a good thing that I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that He takes care of me. :D

I had an excellent Thanksgiving. I got to go to the homes of 2 members. I forgot to get pictures the first time, but I sure got them the second time. I spent a lot of time thinking about being grateful this week. In fact, every time I got upset, or thought of something upsetting, I would start listing off the things I am grateful for. I have found that I am grateful for:

Chocolate chip cookies
Lemon meringue pie
Toe nail clippers
Disney movies with funny lines
My Companion
Pens, Pencils, and Paper
The Book of Mormon
Cars with heaters
A warm apartment
Jesus Christ
The Atonement

And so many other things, I can't remember what I said. :D

So really, I am drawing a blank as to what else to say. But, to each of you reading this email, know that I am grateful for you. Each of you have shaped my life in some way. Thanks for being my friend, or part of my family, or both.

Love, Sister Worthen

Monday, November 24, 2014

"A Changing of Patterns...Attempt No. 2" - Letter, November 24, 2014

Apparently I have problems sending emails. Sorry... :0

But this week has been pretty good. So, I have a question for you. What defines a leader? I have an answer for you. Someone who changes patterns. What does that mean? It means that when there is a situation that needs to be changed, they change it, whether it's within themselves or in the world they live in. So, this week, I feel more like a leader. I have had some patterns that have been changed. And it's been really good. The past couple of weeks, we have really struggled with having enough lessons. As missionaries, we are supposed to teach 20 lessons a week, minimum. We have had a super difficult time trying to get those lessons. But this week, we had 23 lessons. I am so grateful. I will be honest, we had some help though. Our Sister Training Leaders came and blitzed our area (meaning they both came here instead of one of us staying and one going, with one coming here, and one staying there). In 1 day, we taught 9 lessons between the 4 of us. And we found 4 new investigators, and we had 8 baptismal extensions. It was fantastic!!! They helped us change the patterns we were living in, and helped us get ready for this week. I was so grateful to have them come. Some of my companions have been of the mind that having them come is a stressor, and sometimes it can be, but I really love my Sister Training Leaders here, and they really help us out. I am super blessed.

I have learned a lot this week. I have been working on changing my prayers from a rote presentation at the end of my day, to being able to have mighty prayers that can secure for myself and others blessings God is willing to grant. I found this fantastic talk on it that really changed my perspective, and since starting to use this pattern, I have had some really interesting insights. This is the link for the talk:

But the first thing I learned was earlier this week after reading another talk about retaining a mighty change of heart. I was really praying about that, and you know how if you listen right, the Holy Ghost will help you pray? Well, He helped me and the thought that came was, "Help me stay the person I have become so I can become the person I need to be." I have thought long and hard about that, that in order for me to keep progressing, I cannot go back to who I was before. That just won't work. The other thing I learned was, "I have absolutely no reason to be grumpy, but I have every reason to be grateful."  And as I have pondered on those two revelations, I have realized how blessed I am, and how much the Lord has molded me.

Also, earlier this week, we were talking about how the Lord, in Malachi, refers to Himself as a refiner of silver. Sis. Origer told me a story of some ladies who were doing a Bible study, and they found that verse. None of them really understood what that means. So one of them called a silver smith, and shadowed him for a day. She asked if he had to stand over the metal the whole time it was in the fire. He said, "Yes. And not only that, but I have to keep my eyes on it the whole time, because if it's left in the fire a moment to long, it will be ruined." Then she asked how he knew all the impurities were out of the metal. He said, "When I can see my reflection in the metal, I know it's as pure as possible." So, while having this story running through my head all week, we found a video on Saturday called "The Refiner's Fire". It's a Mormon Message. Here is the link for it.

So, all in all, this week has been pretty wonderful!!! Things are changing, both with myself and my companion, and with the Eaton Ward. The Work is hastening, and God is at the helm. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, November 17, 2014